What our customers say
Our customers appreciate the high quality and reliability of our robots. Our mission is to impress with excellent technology. We supply our customers with personal service from the first consultation to rollout and beyond. Together we develop new solutions for individual requirements. MetraLabs is also participating in research and publications.

Images: DECATHLON Germany
Textile Retail
After an introduction phase in their store in Ludwigshafen, DECATHLON Germany ist enrolling TORY RFID in more of their stores in 2022. Outside opening hours, TORY records RFID-tagged articles, enabling reliable product availability.
Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum
MetraLabs has many years of experience in the museum sector. Two of our robots are deployed at the world’s biggest museums for computers, the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum Paderborn. Their names are PETER and PETRA and they have been in use for the permanent exhibition “Artificial intelligence and robotic” since 2013.

Textile Retail
ADLER Modemärkte
Since December 2015, TORY has been permanently deployed at ADLER Modemärkte AG, Germany. TORY is the first permanently installed RFID robot worldwide. Every night, TORY automatically takes stock in the ADLER warehouses as well as on the sales floor. ADLER receives up-to-date information on inventory and can correct false stock level data. By deploying TORY, ADLER has improved their product availability and optimized their ordering processes. Within a year, TORY enabled ADLER Modemärkte AG to achieve their goal of optimizing the inventory process.