Mobile service robots
in Research and Development
Realize your vision! We offer all-purpose mobile robot platforms. They are fully equipped to serve your needs and facilitate quick feasibility studies. We support you with our expertise in robot technologies to make your research project a reality.
You’ll get what you need
We offer robust and long-living hardware. Thanks to their modular construction, our robots can be configured for all sorts of research topics, including navigation, human-machine-communication, interaction and manipulation. We can customize for your needs!
Reliable partner
We are experienced in both practical use and the field of robotic research and development. We have produced publications in the robotics field and continue to actively research in the field of mobile service robots.
ERA-AMR by IMMS and MetraLabs: Development and implementation of optimized drive systems for Autonomous Mobile Robots
The joint project aims to develop new drive concepts for Autonomous Mobile Robots a special modeling software.
Development of sales and marketing concepts for the products TORY and CARY
As part of the project, target group orientated sales concepts are to be developed for the existing TORY and CARY products. The tasks of the funded person include the analysis of customer needs (from support/service) and the development of a target group specific communication system.
Supported by the Free State of Thuringia and the European Social Fund Plus.
Together with the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg a mobile robot platform for autonomous inventory and localization was developed.
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Construction of mobile service robots
The project focuses on the development of a new drive system for mobile service robots, mechanical product adaptions and further developments of the robots SCITOS X3, CARY, TORY and STERYBOT as well as the scientific work organization with regard to the implementation and application of a new CAD data management.
Automated commissioning of electronic groups for the products TORY, SCITOS, CARY, STERYBOT
The project is intended to support developments of electric and mechanical assemblies, to develop and implement new test concepts for assemblies as well as test benches for parallel burn-in tests of several assemblies.
Since October 2016, we continue to develop the robot from the ROREAS project in the ROGER project. More about the project on
Since June 2017, we have been developing components for a novel autonomous mobile service robot with a focus on industrial environments in the VABULEUS project. More about the project
Introduction of a quality management system for the product families TORY and SCITOS
For the scalable service robotics applications TORY and SCITOS, risk assessments and the associated documents such as test reports and operating instructions are to be created. Furthermore, the project for these products will be followed by performance and monitoring examinations, the translation of technical documents and the introduction of a quality management system.
Intensive advice and process support by business consultants
In accordance with the advisory guidelines of the Free State of Thuringia, the company receives funding to increase its performance and competitiveness through advice from independent business consultants – intensive advice and process support. The results and recommendations for action are recorded in a consultant report. The funding comes from the European Social Fund and the State of Thuringia.
Preparation of the exploitation of R&D results for the products TORY, SCITOS and APT
Within the scope of the project, the main focus of activities is the development of project-related sales and marketing concepts. By working out market and target group-specific exploitation strategies, the service robotics applications should be able to be offered in a targeted manner to meet customer requirements.
These projects are funded by:
Döring, N., Pöschl, S., Gross, H.-M., Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Böhme, H.-J.
User-Centered Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Shopping Robot.
Int. Journal of Social Robotics (JSR), vol. 7 (2015), pp. 203-225
Gross, H.-M., Debes, K., Einhorn, E., Müller, St., Scheidig, A., Weinrich, Ch., Bley, A., Martin, Ch.
Mobile Robotic Rehabilitation Assistant for Walking and Orientation Training of Stroke Patients: A Report on Work in Progress.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2014), San Diego, USA, pp. 1880-1887, IEEE 2014
Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Huijnen, C., van den Heuvel, H., van Berlo, A. , Bley, A., Gross, H.-M.
Realization and User Evaluation of a Companion Robot for People with Mild Cognitive Impairments.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1145-1151, IEEE 2013
Einhorn, E., Langner, T., Stricker, R., Martin, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
MIRA – Middleware for Robotic Applications.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 2591-2598, IEEE 2012
Gross, H.-M., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Bley, A., Langner, T., Merten, M., Huijnen, C., van den Heuvel, H., van Berlo, A.
Further Progress towards a Home Robot Companion for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Seoul, South Korea, pp. 637-644, IEEE 2012
Merten, M., Bley, A., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
A Mobile Robot Platform for Socially Assistive Home-care Applications.
in: Proc. German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK), 2012, Munich, Germany, pp. 233-238, publisher VDE 2012
Pöschl, S., Döring, N., Gross, H.-M., Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Böhme, H.-J.
Roboter-gestützte Artikelsuche im Baumarkt.
Zeitschrift für Evaluation (ZfEv), vol. 10 (2011) 1, 99-132
Gross, H.-M., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Langner, T., Merten, M.
Progress in Developing a Socially Assistive Mobile Home Robot Companion for the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, pp. 2430-2437, IEEE Omnipress 2011
Gross, H.-M., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Langner, T., Merten, M.
I’ll Keep an Eye on You: Home Robot Companion for Elderly People with Cognitive Impairment.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Anchorage, USA, pp. 2481-2488, IEEE 2011
Martin, Ch., Steege, F.-F., Gross, H.-M.
Estimation of Pointing Poses for Visually Instructing Mobile Robots under Real-World Conditions.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), vol. 58 (2010) 2, pp. 174-185, Elsevier
Pöschl, S., Döring, N., Böhme, H.J., Martin, Ch.
Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion im Baumarkt. Formative Evaluation eines mobilen Shopping-Roboters.
Zeitschrift für Evaluation (ZfEv), vol. 8 (2009) 1, 27-58
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., König, A., Einhorn, E., Martin, Ch., Merten, M., Bley, A.
TOOMAS: Interactive Shopping Guide Robots in Everyday Use – Final Implementation and Experiences from Long-Term Field Trials.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), St. Louis, USA, pp. 2005-2012, IEEE 2009
Stricker, R., Martin, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Increasing the Robustness of 2D Active Appearance Models for Real-World Applications.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), Liege, LNCS 5815, pp. 364-373, Springer 2009
Pöschl, S., Döring, N. Böhme, H.J. & Martin, Ch.
Computergestützte Artikelsuche im Baumarkt – Formative Evaluation eines Artikelsuchsystems für mobile Shopping-Roboter.
Zeitschrift für Evaluation (ZfEv), vol. 7 (2008), S. 113-135
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., König, A., Martin, Ch., Merten, M., Bley, A.
ShopBot: Progress in Developing an Interactive Mobile Shopping Assistant for Everyday Use.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Singapore, pp. 3471-3478, IEEE 2008
Martin, Ch., Werner, U., Gross, H.-M.
A Real-time Facial Expression Recognition System based on Active Appearance Models using Gray Images and Edge Images.
in: Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Amsterdam, paper no. 299, 6 pages, IEEE
Richarz, J., Scheidig, A., Martin, Ch., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
A Monocular Pointing Pose Estimator for Gestural Instruction of a Mobile Robot.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS), vol. 4, No. 1 (2007), pp. 139-150
Martin, Ch., Schaffernicht, E., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Using a Probabilistic Aggregation Scheme for People Detection and Tracking.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), vol. 54, (2006) 9, pp. 721-728, Elsevier ScienceDirect
Thrun, S., Martin, Ch., Yufeng Liu, Hähnel, D., Emery-Montemerlo, R., Chakrabarti, D. and Burgard, W.
A Real-Time Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Acquiring Multi-Planar Maps of Indoor Environments with Mobile Robots.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (TRA), vol. 20 (2003), pp. 433-442
Suitable products

Expand as you desire
We have the solutions that enable you to configure the robots to your needs: sensors, robot arms, touch displays, battery stations, navigation software, MIRA framework and more.