Autonomous and interactive inventory robot
RoboLibri is an efficient and autonomous service robot which, in addition to autonomous inventory, can also respond specifically to search queries from visitors.

The project
With RoboLibri, a mobile robot platform was developed together with FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, which is equipped with a novel RFID reader architecture for autonomous inventory and very precise product localization in all three spatial directions as required in agile intralogistics.
In addition, multimodal interaction interfaces are integrated on the platform for people guidance in the context of intelligent production environments or as a service application, e.g. for libraries.
Likewise, a general information provision of RoboLibri ensures easy access to the meta information of the inventoried products.
- highest precision RFID tag detection with 99% detection rate
- low operating costs
- process improvement
- effort reduction for employees
- easy usability for employees and visitors
- simplified, direct search in the catalog via voice control
- individually customizable evaluation of book positions, including interactive visualization
- Dimensions: 150 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm (H x L x W)
- Weight: 50kg
- Maximum speed: 0.8 m/s
- Run-time: up to 12 h
- Charging time: ca. 5 h
- inventory and localization of tagged objects using multi-channel UHF RFID reader
- Safety shutdown board
Every bookworms friend
Project coordinators

This project has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, via an Open Call issued and executed under project TRINITY (grant agreement No 825196).
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interactive inventory robot RoboLibri in development and test phase
© Martina Hengesbach / TU Dortmund